Honeymoon in einem Wohnmobil

Honeymoon in a Motorhome

You will (I hope!) plan several trips in your life, but none of them will be as special as your honeymoon.

Celebrating your brand new marriage on the way to some beautiful place with your beloved … this is incomparable, no matter what adventures you find further along the road of Life.

There are many options to spend your honeymoon, while the travel budget can become a serious factor, especially after a big (and expensive) wedding.

That’s why we want to talk with you about the benefits of a honeymoon on autocaravan.

Advantages of Motorhome vacation

Let’s start from the beginning: why do you want to spend your honeymoon in a motorhome?

Better ask: why not? In a motorhome you completely control your route and movement: there is no risk of encountering a flight delay or finding your hotel room busy. You know exactly where you and your young spouse will sleep every night, and when the sheets have been washed for the last time. You even have the opportunity to make your favorite meals to each other in your own kitchen.

In addition, the Motorhome gives you all the freedom of an open road. You can carefully plan an exciting trip with several stops, but still be free to stay for an extra day or turn into an interesting country road. And, of course, your motorhome-trip is absolutely private; you have no common walls with anyone. This is another advantage for the newlyweds, which they will definitely appreciate!

Now, if we talk about the actual cost of MH, we’ll tell you directly: renting an MH is not always the cheapest option for traveling. But compared to expensive air tickets and luxury hotels, you will be surprised at how affordable and sometimes cheap, motorhome vacation can be.

Depending on the type of a camper, and the length of the lease, you can expect a price of 150 Euro per day rental to (only) 50 Euros or less.

Romantic Autocaravan destinations

Still not convinced?

Well, then you will definitely agree with us when we start talking about some of the fantastic ideas of motorhome travel that you could afford. In the end, when it comes to recreation areas MH, you are not limited to runways. You can go anywhere, stay there as long as you want, and use your sweet time until you get there!

Open Europe gives you hundreds of romantic routes: Venice and Verona are saturated with lyrics and love. Norway and Iceland conquer you with pristine nature. Switzerland and Austria – delicate hospitality. Slovakia and the Czech Republic – will give you the feeling that life is beautiful! In 14 days you will easily manage to travel 5-6 countries and spend your honey nights in a wild forest and in a noisy metropolis. Remaining at the same time in your cozy motorhome – house!

Luxury Motorhome Vacation

Another reason why we like the idea of a honeymoon in a camper? Well, Caravan trips are one of the most romantic types of seclusion. As we have already discussed, you, in fact, travel in your own personal love lair. A beautiful view from the window is fully customized by you.

Regardless of whether you are alone or have a rest in a well-developed camping with luxury amenities. Such as a lounge and a swimming pool, motorhome parks can be the perfect combination of social activities and private moments for young couples. Pause, looking thoughtfully at each other’s eyes.  Exchanging a few stories around the fire with your neighbors. You’re knowing that you always have the opportunity to escape into the seclusion of your Caravan when you want to stay together.

Honeymoon in a Motorhome

There is one more thing that we adore regarding the honeymoon in MH, unlike other types of travel.

How would I say … your bed is literally always with you! What is the best argument we can give to you?

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