
Flying Dog Caravans

Talented clients, an amazing occurrence.

An amazing thing happened recently: a work of fiction was emailed to us. Clients who have been renting motorhomes from us for several years in a row, and travelling as a family all over Europe, found the courage to confess their literary weaknesses. Father, husband and part-time driver turned out to be an aspiring writer.…
autobazar karavanov

Caravan Autobazaar – yes or no?

Hi everyone!!! We recently read a post by a well-known Slovak Autobazaar, which specialises in caravans. In two sentences the meaning of the post was as follows: you can safely hand over to us your worries about selling your caravan, and we will take on all the burdens of dealing with terrible buyers, who ask…
Flying Dog Exhebition_Motorhome

Flying Dog Caravans works on exhibition CBT

Flying Dog CARAVANS takes part in the regional exhibition “Caravan, Bike, Travel” in the Slovak city of Nitra. We brought 2 luxury brands to this exhibition: LMC and LAIKA. Today is the first day of the exhibition, there are not many visitors, but our motorhomes arouse sincere interest among specialists and outdoor enthusiasts. Hello everyone…
Wohnmobil Mieten Flying Dog

Honourable mention Wohnmobil Mitten Flying Dog (Vienna)

Our Austrian division Wohnmobil Mitten Flying Dog has topped the ranking of the 10 rental companies in the Vienna area. The ranking was compiled by an independent Austrian agency. Numerous foreign tourists who come to the Austrian capital every season are looking for motorhomes to visit beautiful places and now it will be easier for…

Flying Dog and ČSOB-Leasing: beneficial financing

Wow news! Our company Flying Dog has signed a unique partnership agreement with the bank and leasing company ČSOB. From now on we are partners. Moreover – on the basis of this partnership we got access to really unique financing rates! And we intend to offer you, our dear customers, these incredibly low rates. What…

Flying Dog and ČSOB-Leasing: beneficial financing

Wow news! Our company Flying Dog has signed a unique partnership agreement with the bank and leasing company ČSOB. From now on we are partners. Moreover – on the basis of this partnership we got access to really unique financing rates! And we intend to offer you, our dear customers, these incredibly low rates. What…

May you be lucky!

Good evening to all good people! Last week we said goodbye to another of our caravans. However, we are happy for him: he went to live in a great family where he will be loved and cared for. We haven’t seen such a perfectionist owner in a long time – a perfectionist who literally “washes…

Choose LMC caravans with FLYING DOG

A brief history of LMC Caravans: Since its foundation 65 years ago, LMC Caravans has been the epitome of German quality in the caravan industry. Their long history and wealth of experience make them one of the oldest and most respected manufacturers in Europe. The LMC Caravans range: LMC Caravans is diverse and innovative, providing…
Plan 2024 Flying_Dog Car Rental

Rent a Motorhome: Bratislava / Vienna

Our dear customers! As we have done for many years, we will end our rental Season-23 on November 1. Our team will continue to work every day, but we are now moving on to selling last year’s motorhomes and buying new RVs and preparing them for the new rental Season-2024. We are often asked the…

Buying a motorhome – new or used?

Do you want to buy a motorhome and are not sure whether to buy a new or used vehicle? Read the decision-making guide from the experts at Flying Dog s.r.o.. Should I buy a motorhome new or used? This guide from Flying Dog s.r.o. will help you make your decision Should I buy a new…

Buying a used motorhome from a car rental company: Advantage or Disadvantage?

We were prompted to write this article by the following: We have noticed that potential buyers are cautious about buying used motorhomes from rental companies. Therefore, we decided to describe the situation in detail “from the inside”, we hope it will help buyers in making the right decision. Our company Flying Dog s.r.o. is an…

Traveling with Your Dog in our Motorhome. Flying Dog – Dog Friendly.

Welcome to the world of exciting motorhome adventures! If you’re an adventure enthusiast and a proud owner of a four-legged friend, we are delighted to offer you an unforgettable vacation with Flying Dog. We take pride in being one of the few companies in Slovakia that allow you to bring your beloved pet on a…